Principles of Graphic Facilitation
This workshop is for consultants, team and project leaders, managers, facilitators, and trainers experienced in facilitation who want to use graphic displays to engage team members and meeting participants, capture ideas, focus their group's work, and improve implementation.
Practice public listening, lettering, and core drawing skills of graphic recording
Gain hands-on practice recording with blank paper, using the seven archetypal visual formats (Group Graphics® Keyboard) to focus a group's conversation
Learn a starter repertoire of graphic icons for graphic recording
Use the Four Flows of facilitation—attention, energy, information and operations—to gain insight about your own facilitation practice and your clients' needs.
- June 22nd-24th
- July 16th - 18th
- November 16th-18th
Facilitating Visual Collaboration Online Workshop
Join us for this online seminar-style workshop and learn how to facilitate successful collaborative work at a distance. We will explore why collaborative work that is not
co-located is so challenging, and how you can tame the challenges. We'll engage in discussion and practice, with practical learnings that you can put to use immediately.
This training will be limited to 15 participants.
- June 27th - July 1st
- August 15th - 19th
- September 26th - 30th
Team Performance Training
A three-day, hands-on immersion in the essential practices and visual tools to create and sustain high-performing teams. This is a certification workshop.
Explore the Drexler/Sibbet/Forrester Team Performance™ System, a framework for creating and sustaining high performing teams. Learn about predictable stages of team development and issues that inhibit team performance at each stage. Gain fluency with using the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model® to diagnose and address team issues and opportunities. Learn team leader best practices, both face-to-face and virtually
- September 14th - 16th
- November 30th - December 2nd
Strategic Visioning
Strategic Visioning™, The Grove’s flagship visual planning system, brings together the best thinking of the whole organization using visually-supported strategic analysis, creative visioning work, focused action planning, and organization-communications design. Hindsight is combined with foresight to create insight and action in the present, using a process that values and includes multiple perspectives. While preserving the best practices of traditional planning, Strategic Visioning adds the engagement
Designing & Leading Change Intensive 3 Day Workshop
Hands-on Intensive is for facilitators and consultants seeking to deepen their skills in designing and leading organization change and social change processes. Participants are invited to bring a process consultation challenge to the workshop. They will emerge with a process design and knowledge of a range of proven interventions that will lead to successful change. “This is one of the best Grove workshops I've been to,” a senior consultant attendee stated.
Learn more about these workshops from the Grove
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