Excellent career advice from Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools:
Presented in the form of manga (a comic book for grownups), this is the
most succinct course in career counseling I've ever seen.
Not what
career you should pursue, but *how* you should pursue it. You can read
this masterpiece in an hour, but it will take a lifetime to work out
the details of those six lessons.
This compact sermon will make the
most difference to those just starting out in the workplace.
The six
quick lessons [with my comments in brackets] are:
1. There is no plan. [The economy changes too fast for your career to
have a plan]
2. Think strengths, not weaknesses. [Find your advantages]
3. It's not about you. [Serving others serves you best]
4. Persistence trumps talent. [Keep showing up]
5. Make excellent mistakes. [Take risks, but fail forward]
6. Leave an imprint. [Do something that matters]
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