Andrew Park, owner of the hairy hand that illustrated the RSA Animate phenomenon, created this time-lapse scribing video to accompany his own TEDx Talk.
He tells the story of graduating from Art College and learning how to be a true artist through working for a group of accountants.
New York animation studio IdeaRocket was tapped to create the new show open for the final season of Showtime's Weeds. IdeaRocket specializes in "explainers," which made it an ideal choice for Weeds executive producers Jenji Kohan and Roberto Benabib, who wanted a short-and-sweet retelling of the narrative of the first seven seasons of the show.
Taking the popular whiteboard animation videos from the RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) in London as a model, IdeaRocket Creative Director William Gadea's team built the clip to order. "I think the reason the RSA style is so hypnotizing is because you are witnessing a creative act," Gadea says.
We asked him Five Questions about IdeaRocket, Weeds, and keeping it simple.
A Doctor-Professor answers the old question "What is the single best thing we can do for our health" in a completely new way.
Dr. Mike Evans is founder of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Toronto, and a staff physician at St. Michael's Hospital.
Why are bribes, requests, seductions, innuendos, and threats so often veiled?
Especially when, presumably, both parties know what they mean? (ex. "Would you like to come upstairs and see my etchings?"
Author and psychology professor Steven Pinker explores our use of "veiled language" through famous scenes in pop culture, including Fargo, When Harry Met Sally, and The Sopranos.
In this next installment of the insanely popular RSA Animate series, Cognitive Media continues to surprise, delight, and illuminate.
Our cultural use of linguistic conundrums are explained by combining master draughtsman skills, witty visual themes, and brilliant site gags inspired by the likes of Mad Magazine, James Thurber, and R. Crumb.
Remember, when the muscley, gangster-looking guy is not giving a compliment when he says: "Nice store you got here... it'd be a shame if something bad happened to it!"
In this animation created by Cognitive Media in partnership with the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates discusses the incredible lifesaving power of vaccines. In particular, he highlights the case of polio, which is 99 percent eradicated and within reach of being the second disease to ever be completely eliminated from the world.
GOOD is a great source of ideas for change and global improvement. Their series of animated information graphics make complex data sets humane and understandable, showing the human impact behind the global statistics. See more>>
It's the source of life but it's also the cause of a lot of unnecessary death. In places where clean water isn't available, water-related diseases like cholera cause massive diarrhea, dehydration, and thousands of deaths each day. Affordable water-treatment solutions exist. We'd like to see them flourish.
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