Ladies and gentlemen, another tipping point has been reached...
New York animation studio IdeaRocket was tapped to create the new show open for the final season of Showtime's Weeds. IdeaRocket specializes in "explainers," which made it an ideal choice for Weeds executive producers Jenji Kohan and Roberto Benabib, who wanted a short-and-sweet retelling of the narrative of the first seven seasons of the show.
Taking the popular whiteboard animation videos from the RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) in London as a model, IdeaRocket Creative Director William Gadea's team built the clip to order. "I think the reason the RSA style is so hypnotizing is because you are witnessing a creative act," Gadea says.
We asked him Five Questions about IdeaRocket, Weeds, and keeping it simple.
Taking the popular whiteboard animation videos from the RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) in London as a model, IdeaRocket Creative Director William Gadea's team built the clip to order. "I think the reason the RSA style is so hypnotizing is because you are witnessing a creative act," Gadea says.
We asked him Five Questions about IdeaRocket, Weeds, and keeping it simple.