C'mon! All the kids are doing it.
By following @graphicfilit8 on Twitter, you can follow research and blog posts by visual practitioners like David Grey, Dan Roam, David Sibbet, Christina Merkley, VizThink and more.
Want to make sure your latest post makes the feed?
Send us your RSS feed or blog link and we'll include it in the Center for Graphic Facilitation twitterstream. (It will automatically post a link back to your blog.)
When diving into social media, especially for marketing purposes, it is important to begin feeling out the new rules for new media.
Here is a blunt but honest list of Twitter Do's and Don't's and a brief lesson in how to legitimize your Twitter account in two minutes or less.
(If you want to know more about Twitter and how to hook up to other your del.icio.us feeds and blog posts yourself, read my post I be Twitterfied on Monkey Mind.)