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May 30, 2008


Leah Silverman

I love my pulse pen but have lots to figure out about it(also have to remember to hit the record button at times -- yikes!).

I downloaded Audacity (free audio editor and recorder http://audacity.sourceforge.net/) to remove background noise so something else new to figure out. You can
1. Record "3D Audio" using the Pulse.
2. Open using QuickTime Pro.
3. Export as WAV or AIFF.
4. Edit using Audacity
5. Save as MP3.

For my purposes I'm probably going to download a converter to change the aac file directly to MP3 and then pull it into Audacity play with the background noise and levels. But first I just want to figure out a good organizational system for my sound files.

Target will be selling the pen next month so supplies are going to be more accessible. I see there is now a journal format available. I wrote and suggested 5x7 notepads for quick notes -- the big notebook is so clunky.

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