Ever wish that you could reverse the unrelenting hands of time and take back something you said that really hurt someone's feelings?
Perhaps you find yourself yearning to react a bit more professionally and less emotionally in tense situations at work?
Or you may simply want to strangle someone over a stray comment or sideways glance?
Well then, if you are searching to become master of your emotions, start with this insightful article from the Neuland monthly newsletter, written by Steve Davis, master facilitator (and Chuck Norris look-alike!).
What are emotions and what is emotional mastery?
Emotions are often described as energy in motion. They become problems only when we judge them as wrong, bad, or inappropriate. When we let our emotions run us, we miss the message that they carry. When we repress them for fear of what they might cause us to do, they simply lie in wait to emerge with a vengeance later on. Emotional mastery is the ability to process our emotions so that we receive their message and use their energy for appropriate action. Read Full article>>
You can subscribe to Steve Davis' free weekly ezine for group leaders at www.MasterFacilitatorJournal.com and check out his virtual university, packed with information for group leaders and participants at www.FacilitatorU.com.