In 2001, David Sibbet and Joan McIntosh of The Grove Consultants International facilitated the following workshop that traced the history of graphic facilitation at the International Association of Facilitators Conference 2001 in Minneapolis, Minnesota:
A Graphic Facilitation Retrospective: Charting What We Learned
(Thanks to Dave Davidson for the link.)
As we attempt to create an atlas of graphic facilitators around the globe, we so many family trees of practitioners with multiple progenitors spawning communities of practice: David Sibbet's students and collaborators in the Bay Area; MG Taylor's US network; Cap Gemini's Accelerated Solutions Environments in Chicago, Cambridge, New York, Europe and Australia; and many more communities of practice of which we are ignorant.
Please help us to chart both the history and existing lineage of practitioners! If you or someone you know help individuals and groups make strategic decisions and solve problems through visual learning, please register with us. It's free and easy.
In launching this site, we aim to make graphic facilitators more aware of themselves as a community, more connected as professionals, and more accepted to both businesses and communities.
Let us know whom we should know about for our atlas!