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February 07, 2005



This a great work!Thanks for posting.

Jens Meiert

The German translation is now available: http://meiert.com/de/publications/translations/blogs.com.graphicfacilitation/edward-tufte-redux/

Jens Meiert

Awesome - feel free to contact me by mail, so that I know how I can reach you once the translation's done (I'd publish it on my site giving proper credit, it would include the graphics unless they're owned by another party, but the document itself might face some restructuring).

Peter Durand | Alphachimp


Go for it! I was just capturing and passing on wisdom from the Man himself.

Jens Meiert

– Email bounced (@alphachimp.com), thus a comment: I'm interested in translating this post into German […]. Please let me know if that is fine.


Excellent work. I attended the talk in Seattle last Summer, and your notes bring it back to mind even better than my own.


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Graphic Facilitators