People often ask us: "How did you learn to draw so dang good!?!"
We usually reply: "Doodling our lives away!"
If you need some help with how to get started, here are some of our favorite books by Joy Sikorski, Mark Kistler and Ed Begley. (Great for adults and kids!)
Read the rest of this post for links.
Ed Begley
Like a modern day Cezanne, Begley's world is constructed entirely of circles, rectangles and triangle; and, from these basic shapes, he teaches you how to construct a world of machines, creatures, characters and adventure.
Joy Sikoski
Living up to her first name, Sikoski embues her line drawings with a life and enthusiasm for the everyday. More than how-to primers, these books are guides to finding joy at home, on vacation, in the garden and even (gasp!) at work.
Mark Kistler
As the famous PBS cartoonistt, and original Mr.Sketch, Kistler is an expert at lifting the veil from such magical feats as drawing in 3-D! We want to know how to get one of his crazy pen jackets pictured on the cover.